Consider a scenario that you are using OneDrive with two different organizations. You find that you can sync both the account with OneDrive. However, at certain time either of the account stop syncing. Now when you try to sync either of the account, you simply receive Your IT department doesn’t allow you to sync files from this location to your computer (Error Code: 0x8004deea).

The below mentioned screenshot illustrates this error.

Your IT Department Doesn't Allow You To Sync Files From This Location

If you hit the Try again button, the issue is not resolved and keeps occurring. Here is how you can resolve this problem. If you are the global administrator, you can try below resolution yourself. Else, ask your IT admin to configure these settings for you.

Your IT Department Doesn’t Allow You To Sync Files From This Location

1. Go to Azure portal and copy the Tenant ID for your account. You can find it at following webpage:

Your IT Department Doesn't Allow You To Sync Files From This Location

It is recommended to create System Restore point before editing registry.

2. Open Registry Editor by running regedit command.

3. Go to following registry location:


4. Now create a new registry sub-key next to OneDrive and name it as AllowTenantList.

5. In the right pane of AllowTenantList, create a new registry string (REG_SZ). Name this registry string as your Tenant ID we got from step 1. Then double click on the registry string and also set Value data same as your Tenant ID.

Note: If you find BlockTenantList registry sub-key under OneDrive, you must delete it before trying the above manipulation. Microsoft do not recommend to have both settings active at time. Usually, the AllowTenantList will override BlockTenantList, however just don’t keep both a time.

Your IT Department Doesn't Allow You To Sync Files From This Location

6. Close Registry Editor and reboot your system.

After restarting the machine, the issue must be resolved.

If you continue to face problem, drop us a comment and we will be happy to help.

That’s it!


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  • Anestis

    Life saver! Thank you

  • Paschal MWila

    I am facing this problem after configuring the SyncAdminReports for OneDrive. The allow tenant list key is already there. Please help.

  • Kapil Arya

    ^^ Have you tried steps mentioned in this guide!

  • DJ

    Hello, we have the reg key but still we have the issue.

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