When Windows 11 – Desktop OS from Microsoft rolled into computers, we couldn’t help but notice the stark differences that stood out from Windows 10. Windows 11 was released on 5th October last year. So, yes it is fairly new to us. The upgrade was free for desktops already compatible and installed with Windows 10. But what are the differences between the two Desktop OS? Who wins in the battle of Windows 10 vs Windows 11? Let’s see how does Windows 11 compare to Windows 10.

How does Windows 11 compare to Windows 10?

In terms of design

How Does Windows 11 Compare to Windows 10

If you have been a regular user of Windows 10 and have recently set your eyes upon Windows 11, you will notice a stark difference between the two when it comes to interface. In the new Windows OS upgrade, the obvious influence of Microsoft’s competitor – Mac is persistent. Where can we see that?

  1. New Desktop, File Manager, and Control Panel Icons
  2. Fresh Windows Search navigation
  3. Start Menu with rounded corners

Look at the pastel hues you see on your screen. As well as the rounded corners when you open new windows. A fresh, more straightforward Operating System design. The influence has certainly worked in Microsoft Windows 11’s favor. Users are preferring in much more than Windows 10- here the new Operating System has won.

Snap Layouts feature

How Does Windows 11 Compare to Windows 10

Organizing your apps and windows turns out to be more difficult than organizing your room. Luckily, Microsoft understands that and has aimed to deliver on it in the new Operating System – Windows 11. Introducing – Snap Layouts. You can finally open your windows and apps the way your desire. The size of your screen will differentiate how the Snap Layout features works for you.

Should You Upgrade: Windows 10 to Windows 11?

There are loads of improvement areas that Microsoft has worked on in this upgrade such as performance, user interface, and so on. If your computer system is compatible with Microsoft’s recent OS update and you desire to test the new Operating system technology, then upgrading from Microsoft Windows 10 to Windows 11 is something you should consider.

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